Meaning of (तैयारी करना) taiyaree karna,taiyari karna in english

As noun : make ready
clear the decks train Ex:  The train coasts across the boundary between sections. wean on
As verb : prepare for Ex:  Muhammad began to prepare for a campaign. forearm Ex:  Pilecki was tattooed on his forearm with the number 4859. At Auschwitz set up Ex:  It was set up with assistance from UNESCO and the Soviet Union prepare Ex:  These restaurants often have trained chefs who prepare the food
As adjective : ready Ex:  It stops being brain and gets ready to be your face .
Other : outfitted Ex:  Weitzman outfitted Krauss with a Palm Trēo 600 smartphone
Suggested : Railroads a self-propelled, connected group of rolling stock Surveying
station ( def 14a ) Nautical
a floorlike surface wholly or partially occupying one level of a hull, superstructure, or deckhouse , generally cambered, and often serving as a member for strengthening the structure of a vessel Printing the process of preparing a form for printing by overlays or underlays to equalize the impression Anatomy the part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist
Exampleतैयारी करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of तैयारी करना:
1. तोप चलाने के लिए आधे घंटे पहले तैयारी करना पड़ती है, तब कहीं जाकर समय पर तोप चल...
(तैयारी करना) taiyaree karna,taiyari karna can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 11 including consonants matras. Transliteration : taiyaarii karanaa

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